Her Fatal Ways 3 1992

Her Fatal Ways 3


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Her Fatal Ways 3

Plot Synopsis

Crack mainland policeman Cheng Shih-Nan (DoDo Cheng) is given a top secret assignment: Go to Hong Kong and look after the safety of old Mr. Chien, a member of the Communist Party's Central Commitee. So Cheng finds herself in a plane, accompanying by her regular sidekick Shing. There is a raging storm and the plane force-lands in Taiwan. Trying to hide their identity, the duo plays games with Taiwan police, They don't necessary make themselves popular, Yet Cheng's intelligence and good looks do turn the head of Taiwan policeman Yung..

More Films in the Franchise

Her Fatal Ways 2
Her Fatal Ways 21991
Her Fatal Ways 4
Her Fatal Ways 41994


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